
Category: Beginners

pickleball player heavy paddle
Est. Reading: 3 minutes
January 14, 2024

Pickleball Paddle Weight Guide: How Heavy Should Your Paddle Be?

Several key factors should be considered when buying a pickleball paddle, and weight is one of them. Simply put, the paddle weight directly influences all the components of a great pickleball player, including speed, control, power, and strength.  But the million-dollar question is, “How heavy should my pickleball paddle be?” This paddle weight guide has […]
pickleball player preparing to serve
Est. Reading: 5 minutes
December 8, 2023

What is a Spin Serve in Pickleball and Is It Really Banned?

Pickleball players used to have different styles in serving to take advantage of their position as servers. But as the sport became more popular, some players mastered the art of spinning the ball during a serve. Starting in 2023, USA Pickleball decided to ban the spin serve, and not everyone was happy about it. Some […]
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Picklepow started when a group of friends came together over a shared bond – Pickleball! After playing for years, they created a resource to teach others and connect them to courts across the country. Need a new hobby? You might've just found it!
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